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How to Store Blueberries

Refrigerate the blueberries to increase the shelf life. If refrigerated, fresh-picked blueberries will keep 10 to 14 days.
Do not wash the blueberries until just before eating or using in your recipes to prevent berries from becoming mushy. Unwashed blueberries will stay fresh for up to two weeks in the refrigerator if kept dry.


How to Freeze Blueberries

Do not wash the blueberries before freezing. Place dry, unwashed, and unsweetened berries in freezing containers or plastic bags. Seal and freeze. The berries will freeze individually and pour out like marbles. When using frozen blueberries in your baking, do not thaw them. Always add them frozen so they will not “bleed” in your baked goods.



At Coast Berry Company we have 25,000 blueberry plants. We have four different varieties that produce the berries at different times during the summer. There is Duke, Bluecrop, Elliot and Liberty. Blueberries are our pride and joy at the farm! We have them available in the grocery stores frozen all year long and fresh during the summer months. 


How to Buy Fresh Blueberries

Select plump and full blueberries with a light grey-blue color. Blueberries with any hint of red are not fully ripened. Once blueberries are picked, they will not ripen any further

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